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Spirit Celebration Christmas Championship

Event Phone: (214) 939-2750
Established in 1998, Spirit Celebration is a dedicated caring family that celebrates athletes, parents, fans & coaches while delivering events that provide a ‘Disney-like’ atmosphere. They strive and love to create a ‘Pep Rally’ atmosphere for Special Needs and Philanthropic-Projects. At each event, they award ‘Best Fans in the Stands’ who support their kids by being loud and proud which exemplifies the Sc Spirit.
There are no events happening in the near future.

Venue Details:

Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center

650 S Griffin St
Dallas, TX 75202
(214) 939-2750

Past Event Times

Date Time
Sunday December 2, 2018 Start Time:9:00amEnd Time:5:00pm
Saturday December 1, 2018 Start Time:9:00amEnd Time:5:00pm
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