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Driftwood Quintet

Event Phone: (480) 644-6500
Admission Price: $15.25
Based in Phoenix, Arizona, the Driftwood Quintet is a chamber group dedicated to crossing genres and bending boundaries in classical music. A performance can feature anything from orchestral masterworks or piano works to the imaginative soundtracks from the greatest video games and films. Driftwood also seeks to create memorable experiences through collaborations with artists from a variety of disciplines, ranging from jazz musicians and singer/songwriters to dancers and visual artists.
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Venue Details:

Mesa Arts Center

One East Main St
Mesa, AZ 85201
(480) 644-6500

Past Event Times

All times below are in Mesa local time.
SaturdayAugust 24, 2024Start Time:7:30pmEnd Time:9:30pm
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